Calendar pages riffle and fly away as time passes. A whirl of activity makes the days, weeks and months feel like mere minutes. Appointments, meetings, trips, events...very rarely do I get the opportunity for boredom!
Two weeks ago we were in Prince Albert for our monthly meetings. I was arranging some meals for the upcoming Board meetings and felt things were well in hand. Then we got a text from our son, Mark...they were in Brandon at the hospital and the doctors were talking about inducing Amy or preparing for a C-section! Walter and I were absolutely distracted and unable to stay focused on our office duties. We left mid-afternoon to do some food preparations and get ready for guests for supper.
We were staying at a wonderful Air B and B located on the north side of the North Saskatchewan River. Lovely! We have a full kitchen plus a spacious living room and very comfortable bedroom that overlooks the river. As we busied ourselves, we kept checking our phones for an update from Mark. Nothing. Walter finally sent a message and Mark replied. Things were progressing labour-wise so maybe in 3 to 4 hours the baby would be born.
Their little one was not due for another 3 weeks but the ultrasound showed low amniotic fluid and this baby needed to be born sooner rather than later.
Our company arrived and we had a wonderful supper. We visited. We discussed things about the ministry and other family news. But our company couldn't help but notice how we discreetly tried to check our phones for any news.
Around 8:30 pm our friends bid us good night and wished us well. I had just finished tidying up the kitchen when the call finally came through on Walter's phone. Baby girl arrived just before 8 pm - over 24 hour ordeal of inducing and finally having to suction baby at the last as she went into distress! But Amy was doing fine and was on speaker phone with Mark when they called to give us the news. Amy sounded quite chipper actually; Mark sounded hoarse and very tired. I guess she got the good drugs and they didn't provide anything for the new Daddy!
Then we were up for another hour texting or phoning our own parents and family. It is impossible to hold in such exciting news!
Although arriving 3 weeks before the due date, Kaira Mattie Selke weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. No concerns except that she would need some coaxing to eat and would require plenty of sleep. Mark, Amy and baby Kaira went home two days later and then we received a few more precious pictures to cherish.
By the weekend, when the Board members were arriving for their two day meetings, Walter and I were still beaming and showing off the pictures of the cutest little granddaughter ever! Yes, we've become those grandparents who shamelessly bore people with stories and cell phone photos!
On Sunday, we were finally back home in Regina and we were excited to make plans to head to Manitoba and meet little Kaira! Although very tired, we were suddenly filled with energy to drive out and spend a couple of days holding this new little life and celebrating with our son and daughter-in-law.
A trip to Costco and Walmart and then we were there. More pictures, sweet cuddles and just relishing in the precious moments with this perfect gift from God.
This new season in our lives is one we have looked forward to and can't get enough of!