So many emotions accompany the experience of waiting.
The saying "Good things come to those who wait" has some truth to it. Waiting for cookies to bake is one of those good things that is so worth waiting for! Patiently anticipating the arrival of an airplane carrying loved ones to visit is another example (and with today's flight challenges, waiting is very possible!).
Probably the ultimate experience of the reward for waiting is the birth of a baby. Months of preparation, growing, discomfort, anxiousness and then finally labour! How many expectant mothers have painfully given birth, only to be so thrilled and in love with the long-awaited child? The journey of waiting was worth every finger, every toe, every eyelash of pure delight!
Waiting for the Messiah - the One God had promised would be the Deliverer, the Hero that Israel needed - was a very long, painful and desperate journey for the people of God. Every generation hoped that it would during their lifetime that the Messiah would show up on the scene. When Jesus Christ finally arrived, the Jewish people were divided about Him. Some thought He was just another self-proclaimed prophet. Others expected Him to be the political leader that would deliver them from the Roman occupation of their land. Still others ignored Him or wrote Him off as insane!
The beautiful thing about Jesus is that He came to be the Saviour of the world, not just for the nation of Israel. He came to deliver from sin, not from political oppression. His mission was to save humanity if they would trust in Him.
Have you been waiting for something? Have you felt impatient, bored, even disappointed that God hasn't given you that something yet?
Or maybe you haven't known what exactly it is you need.
Maybe you are waiting for Jesus. Let me assure you He has come, and He is waiting for YOU to call on Him for what you need.
Psalm 130:5 "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word hope..."