Sunday, 25 August 2019

"This has been one of the best conferences I've been at in years!"
"I loved having the Healing Hearts missionaries here with us."
"What a relaxing and fun conference!  It's been good to laugh together."
At the beginning of the week, I felt such nervousness and trepidation to have this Joint Conference.  So many details to remember and coordinate. So many people coming together from both our mission organizations.  Walter and I both wondered why we thought this was a good idea!
But once the first day was over and the event was rolling, we could get into the groove.  All the details I had worried about fell into place.  Everyone who were asked to help out did!  Each session got better and better.
This may seem shallow but the highlight to me was the Talent Show on the final night.
You know why?
Because it was two hours of folks from both NCEM and Healing Hearts who stepped forward to sing, share a joke, do a goofy skit or show a Powerpoint of nature and landscape scenes.  There was laughter, fun, joy and vulnerability.  To me it was the true testimony that we were having fellowship with each other.
Oh, don't think I didn't see the treasure of worship together.  Or value the prayer times in small groups.  I was ministered to by my husband's messages on Equip, Empower, Encourage and Establish - our 4 E's theme of vision for the ministry.  But seeing folks enjoying one another meant the foundation of faith and fellowship had been laid and now they were moving to the next level of intimacy in Christ.
To be honest, before the conference started, I was looking forward to it being over!  But Friday afternoon, as we pulled away, I felt a genuine sadness as I knew we wouldn't see some of these folks for a year.  All the work in planning and preparation had produced a wonderful gathering and God did meet us. 
The next such event will be in 2021 when we celebrate NCEM's 75th anniversary.  This was just a practice run for what will be even bigger!

Sunday, 4 August 2019

I can't believe I haven't written since April!
But God has been faithful as the busy spring turned into summer and we have not been idle.
We have continued to travel, but the last blog entry with our trip to Manitoba to visit NCEM missionaries marks the last of our staff visits. It took two years to see each missionary (that we were able to connect with) across Canada.  What a privilege! 
The biggest take-away from connecting with our staff face-to-face is that these are modern-day heroes of the faith.  They were so excited to show us their communities, to meet some of their First Nations friends and to worship with them if schedule worked out that way!  And their perseverance through trials, sometimes opposition to sharing the Gospel, gave Walter and myself inspiration that everything we face is also worth it to serve alongside these warriors of Christ!
In May, we met with other ministry leaders serving/directing  in First Nations mission fields across Canada and the U.S.  The fellowship, the discussions, the sharing and prayer and the worship through music were rich times that we treasure each year.  Again, these leaders face pressures, opposition and discouragement and yet press on!  We are blessed to have such friends and colleagues to share the burden of leadership with in Christ.
June was very busy for us...we had a week of interviews, reports and meetings with NCEM and a joint board meeting with Healing Hearts, as well.  God sustained us and continues to affirm our leadership role leading two organizations.  We need WISDOM and God has provided great support around us. 
Then we took a much-needed break out at our cabin.  Sigh!  It was glorious.  Hot temperatures, fresh saskatoon berries, demolishing our old deck and rebuilding bigger and better.  It was a wonderful two weeks of rest, relaxation, working on a project together and campfire, lots of staring into flames. 
Our next big event is the Joint General Conference in Pinawa, MB, where both our NCEM and HHM mission families will meet for fellowship and encouragement.  It is both exciting and exhausting to plan and prepare.  I'm sure God will meet with us in a special way and we desire to glorify Him!
Have a great day!