Monday, 8 April 2019

Now where are you headed?
This week we are off to Manitoba. 
Last winter we had travelled to destinations such as Puvirnituq, Quebec , Happy Valley/Goose Bay, Labrador and Ft. McPherson, NWT.  The flying adventures to extreme locations really stretched this Saskatchewan prairie girl's perspective!  Walter and I both felt so blessed to visit the missionaries who live in such remote places and serve Christ to share His Gospel.
So when I say Manitoba, no one gasps or asks, where?  But to us, this trip is as important and adventurous as any other we have gone on thus far in our NCEM and HHM travels.  Why? Because God has called the missionaries we will visit to just as challenging and interesting communities as any other.
John - has served in various locations within NCEM's regions.  He has been in maintenance of camps and headquarters facilities for over twenty-five years.  Now, he has some health challenges and is playing more of a support role to a local camp in his home area of Ashern, MB.  He is hardworking and faithful.
Fran - has served in her home area at the very Bible Camp she attended as a child.  She lives year round at Fisher Bay, a Metis/ non-status community.  She has filled many roles at the camp from cabin leader, cook, craft director to "Tuck Lady" (runs the canteen). In the off-season, she leads AWANA (kids Bible club) and is involved in the local church (Riverbend Community Church) that is located between two First Nations reserves, north of Winnipeg about two hours.  Fran has served for over thirty years.
Dennis & Amanda - have been married for forty years and been in ministry that entire time.  Dennis began ministry at The Pas, MB as a single man and brought a wife into the picture sometime after.  They have served in churchplanting and have a wonderful church called Riverside Bible Church.  They now have running water and flush toilet but only in the last fifteen years.  Wow! 
Ed & Karen - are originally from the United States and have been in Norway House, MB their entire missionary career.  They raised four kids in this northern Cree community.  Walter will be able to preach on Palm Sunday in the church they pastor.  They have served the Lord in this place for over thirty years, as well.
Peter & Charlene - have been married for ten years or so.  She is a Mennonite from southern MB and Peter is Cree from The Pas.  They met in The Pas and were involved in a Christian Gospel Band in music ministry for a season.  As they had been serving in Riverside Bible Church,  they felt called to Bible School.  After moving away for school, they returned to their home community and have been co-pastoring with Dennis and Amanda.  Holding down jobs right now, they eventually plan to go more full-time in ministry.  But for now, their jobs open doors into the community and into homes on the reserve that enable them to be well-connected.
Our prayer is that we will encourage these faithful servants.  We desire to listen well, to hear their hearts, to offer hope and support.  We want to tour their communities, sit at their kitchen tables, take them out for a meal and be part of their lives for an afternoon or a day or a weekend. 
THANK YOU for praying for us as we seek to serve the servants.  These folks are the lifeblood of NCEM and are on the frontlines of the battle for souls.  Each one matters to us, whether we fly in to their villages or drive only a few hours from our home in Regina.
See ya' in a week!