Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Since my last blog entry, Walter and Daniel have returned from their adventure in Jacksonville.  By the photos and accompanying narratives, I think they had a great trip!  The story and architecture of St. Augustine sounded like a special piece of American history.  The Zoo is always a highlight of any trip Walter takes.  They had Pandas, which looked adorable.  And they enjoyed some BBQ and Joe's Crab Shack as restaurant experiences.
Then we jumped into the SUV and drove up to Prince Albert for a couple days.  The temperature was so cold!  I had tried texting Dave and Joanna, our neighbours at the NCEM office, who would turn up the heat in the suite for us.  But somehow I had the wrong number and so we arrived to a very chilly living space!  We unpacked, cranked the heat and even turned on the oven to thaw the suite. Then we went over to the office to putter around and warm ourselves up!
Office life is challenging for us as we are more free spirits and used to setting our own hours.  We want to connect with people and office hours are built more for task orientation.  So we make adjustments and hope we can accomplish both people ministry and administrative tasks.  I think that is what tires me out - the switching back and forth!
We had our staff Christmas party for the Prince Albert and office folks.  It was a wonderful evening of potluck ethnic foods, Christmas carols and a devotional by a guest pastor.  We had time to visit, which was nice and relaxing.  As usual, we were almost the last to leave!
The next day was our monthly Executive meeting, which lasted all day.  I entered the office building in the dark at around 8:20 am.  I don't think I went upstairs once during the day - the boardroom is in the lower level of our two-story building.  So as the meeting adjourned and I emerged from the windowless boardroom, I saw it was dark again. 
I stepped outside and breathed in the northern Saskatchewan chilly air.  Refreshing.  A feeling of peace and satisfaction that it had been a productive day settled over me.  I needed to refocus on people, and the Lord! 
Today...I look back at those couple of days with our NCEM team at the headquarters office.  I appreciate what they do.  I wouldn't want to do their jobs, just as they are glad NOT to have our responsibilities!  The office team is a uniquely gifted group who are obeying what God has shown them to do in service for the kingdom.  Their lifestyle is much more "9-5", but they go above and beyond when needed.  I am thankful for their faithfulness and diligence and heart for prayer!  I wish we weren't missing the "Day of Prayer" today but we weren't able/willing to be back up to P.A. for this week again.  Limitations of our human bodies and emotional energy, as well.
THANK YOU Lord, for calling each of us to serve where You want us, and for equipping us for the tasks and ministry styles needed in Your kingdom.  Fill us all afresh with Your Holy Spirit, both in NCEM and Healing Hearts, as we strive to point the way to Jesus, the Saviour, born for us all. 

Thursday, 5 December 2019

Another week flies by...another week at home which has been so good!
I am thankful for the restfulness of routine. I've been able to get some Christmas shopping done, my new book mailed out, and even tried baking a new shortbread recipe.
Walter and Daniel left early this morning for their annual NFL guys weekend.  Jacksonville, FL this year.  Mark has gone with them a couple of times, but his work schedule and availability don't always work out!
So a quiet weekend?  Not likely.  Even though I am still trying to slow down and focus on rest, I have some pressing things going on.
A dear woman helped me with the editing of my new devotional book and I want to thank her.  I am taking her for lunch tomorrow.  Swiss Chalet.  So glad for all Pat's help in fine tuning and finessing my words.
Then tomorrow night is the Parliament Community Church's Christmas Tea.   A lovely way to focus on the reason for the season with my sister, my step mom and my daughter. 
My Mom's sister, Auntie Katherine, has been undergoing chemotherapy and had surgery for cancer.  Now she is awaiting the next phase of treatment: radiation.  So I've tried to visit her when I'm in the city and I have a Scrabble date with her Saturday afternoon.
Sunday is church day.  Always.  It is a special service, with several of our church folks taking the step of baptism!  One is a young girl who Caylea has been mentoring in the youth group.  So exciting!
Today I had procrastinated in doing some computer/email work.  I cleaned up the kitchen, then I finished wrapping the presents I had bought.  But I made a cup of tea and settled in to do some work.  Usually I am not a night person, but Caylea was gone and our boarder, Kaila, also had left for the evening.  So I eventually buckled down and got three projects finished in a couple of hours.  Wow!  I impressed myself.
Now, I'm treating myself to a Christmas movie.
I am thankful for the blessings the Lord has given me.

Friday, 29 November 2019

It's been a good week. 
After a couple days, I was able to slow down and be okay with it.  Slept in and intentionally stayed lying down, not jumping up to "do" does take an effort to rest!
A highlight this week was a visit with Lyle and Doreen Fulmore, who live in Milestone, SK.  They've known me since I was a little girl.  I played with their daughter, Sheri, and their younger daughter, Chrissie, was my sister's age.  They lived in Parry, SK, in those days and ran the grocery store and post office. They have retired now and up and moved their house to Milestone.
So it was like deja vu to walk in their back door.  Apart from different paint colours and some new decorative items, the house looked exactly the same.
And they were the same kind, friendly folks I remember, except that I am an adult now and I was actually there to visit with them, not hang out with Sheri!
Our visit was catching up, filling them in on our family and ministry.  They talked about their new church and community.  And their grandson...I was so thankful for their input in my life as a kid, then a teenager.  It was through their prayers and influence that I accepted the Lord.  Sheri invited me to the youth group at their church and I was introduced to Jesus Christ and the Gospel.  I am so filled with praise for how God works! 
Now, Walter is back from Prince Albert and my quiet week is over!  But I'm glad we can be together again and spend the weekend following Daniel's curling in Saskatoon by the online scoreboard.  There's always stuff to do around home and we will putter at a leisurely pace.
"Every day with Jesus, is sweeter than the day before;
Every day with Jesus, I love Him more and more.
Jesus saves and keeps me, and He's the one I'm waiting for;
Everyday with Jesus is sweeter than the day before." 
I wouldn't trade our life for anyone else's because I know we are doing what God has for us.

Tuesday, 26 November 2019

How did I do on my self-imposed rest duty?
Well, partial success.
I went to prayer meeting at our church, which may seem like work, but I also know prayer is good for my soul.  I am glad I went. 
Then I stopped in at UltraCuts for a shampoo and trim.  I relaxed while the stylist shampooed my hair, massaging my scalp and carefully rinsing with warm and soothing water.  A hair appointment is always a pick-me-up and I left feeling fresh and good about myself.
It was lunch time.  So I stopped at restaurant for a bowl of soup.  Not as good as homemade but it was a treat! 
I confess, I had letters to deliver to churches so I did sneak in some "business".  It didn't feel like work, though, as I chatted with church receptionists and mission pastors.  They were encouraging and caring...just what I needed today.
Finally, I stopped by Walmart and bought a light bulb.  Wow, you say!  Why are you blogging about that incidental?  Because it was one of those errands that I kept getting put off and this unique bulb isn't one we keep on hand at home.  My favourite lamp needed a specific 40W chandelier bulb and I found one!  Yeah me! 
When I got home, I treated myself to a cup of tea and a pecan tart.  I realized I would be cooking just for me, so I made a microwave melt, salad and cooked carrots, broccoli and cauliflower.  I ate in front of the TV.  Really living on the edge :-)
In the spirit of rest, I took out my guitar and played some worship songs.  Special to just spend time with my Saviour.
The phone rang.
It was my husband!  We had a whole day to catch up on and it was good to connect.  We spend everyday together so being apart is strange and lonely.  I was glad he called.  And we prayed together before ending the conversation.  I really miss our nightly prayers before we go to sleep.  It gives me such peace.
The clock said 8:45 pm.  Too early to go to bed.  So I changed into workout clothes and put in my DVD - 15 minute total body workout by Jackie Warner.  A couple of years ago I tried to graduate to her 40 minute workout but it hurt.  A lot.  Back to 15 minutes!
And now, I am sipping water and blogging. 
It was still an active day, but with lots of fun things that I truly enjoy.
So I think I succeeded in "taking it easy" or at least spending some time on myself.
Tomorrow is another day...

Monday, 25 November 2019

It is a rare moment that I find myself alone in our house in Regina.
Sitting by our natural gas stove, that looks like an old-fashioned woodburning style, I have my feet up and a cup of flavoured coffee beside me.
Caylea is out for the afternoon.
Kaila, our temporary boarder, is at work.
Walter drove up to Prince Albert for a few days. 
I am determined to rest and take some down time.  We have been going steady for weeks and I am plum worn out! 
Our most recent trip was to Billings, MT for four days.  NCEM has an office there to receive American donations and also mail some communications from the U.S. (cheaper to mail in country than across the border).  We had a nice visit there with the couple who mans the office.  They are nearing retirement and it was good to connect with them to talk about the next steps for succession.
Several situations are going to be in transition in the next couple of years.  With many of our staff nearing retirement age, or at least slowing down from full time commitments, we will have openings in administration, finance, communications not to mention the ongoing need for field missionaries who will live in communities to share the Gospel!
My last blog entry mentioned that we would be interviewing a potential staff couple.  They are accepted as Associate staff with NCEM, hoping to reach out to First Nations south of Edmonton (the former Hobbema Reserve now known as Maskwacis (which actually has four First Nations in the immediate area).  The couple will continue with their current employment and do outreach as they can.  What a huge blessing!
In the past two weeks, I have been corresponding with two German students looking into internship possibilities in Canada.  Part of my role as Personnel Coordinator is to connect and facilitate interns, volunteers and potential full or part time staff, plus Associates.  I have an assistant, Doris, who is able to come in to the office and do the paperwork/computer work and keep up with the files.  She has enabled me to continue travel with Walter and look after more of the "people" part of Personnel.  Another assistant is our Candidate Coordinator, Andrew, who takes in the actual applications and processes the paperwork, calls references and prepares the applicants for a potential interview with us as the Executive.  He lives in Alberta, so is able to do his work from home.  At some point, this position could be under one, or two people again, but for now, three of us serve to make the Personnel Department work!
When Caylea was recently representing NCEM and HHM at Nipawin Bible College's missions weekend, another young couple connected at the booth.  They have submitted their application officially since then; we may have another interview at our next Executive in December!  God has certainly been answering our prayers for more labourers!
In the meantime, I am going to take it easy at home, do things like hair appointment, baking, writing, think about Christmas things! 
"Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul."  3 John 2
This Scripture came up on the "Verse of the Day" app on my phone a few days ago.  I have been feeling tired, not recovering as quickly from trips and repacking for another trip anyways.  Couple this with trouble sleeping and some challenges in ministry, I can feel some accumulation of exhaustion that isn't healthy.  But this verse gave me a warning.  John wrote these words as a prayer for Gaius, a servant of the Lord, who had some challenges in his church.  There were contentions and disagreements.  Some did not acknowledge John's authority and therefore also ignored Gaius' authority.  I am sure this church leader felt some stress.
The warning is for me to rest.  And to take time to take care of my soul.  That might mean sleep, exercise and doing fun recreational things.  Maybe I need a personal retreat.  Or time with friends. 
I also take this as permission to take care of myself and be comforted in God's care for me as a whole person.  He doesn't just say, "Buck up, stay tough and keep on truckin'!" He encourages rest, of body and soul. 
I have a book on my Kindle e-reader entitled "Four Gifts" by April Yamasaki.  As I slowly read and digest the concepts in this book, I am encouraged by the balance of taking care of heart, soul, mind and body.  We are not just spiritual creatures, especially those of us in full time ministry.  We have physical needs and limitations, as well as mental, emotional and social components to our beings.  So the author shares her own experiences and her journey through Scripture in discovering what biblical self-care is all about.  Good stuff.  Maybe I will have time this week to finish the book and absorb more of it into my real life!
That's the latest from my Saskatchewan Country Girl perspective.
P.S. - Caylea's oncologist appointment was A-OK!  She went to her family doctor to have a skin check, and then a confirmed appointment with a new dermatologist for this coming week.  So thankful for our health care and the resources we have!  God has been so good to us!

Tuesday, 12 November 2019

It was an exciting weekend and I am so glad Walter and I could watch all the games Daniel curled in this event in Regina.  It is a rare treat for us to watch our son compete in the Men's division.  Back in his juveniles and junior days, we were at almost ALL his games because we were his ride!  I still get just as nervous for the games and just as disappointed at losses...
Like this weekend.  They made it to the playoffs with a chance to get a berth in the provincial championship in Melville, SK.  So Monday (Remembrance Day) at 9 am we cruise over to the curling rink and settle in our seats.  The competition is intense and the first end we get 3 points!  That's huge at this level. 
But in a few ends, the momentum shifts and the opposition gets a 3-ender.  And then a couple ends later we lose 4 rocks to "picks" - which means the rocks lose direction and either spin the wrong way or slow down and stop too early!  Heart-breaking!  Rocks that will count or guard are now a waste of a throw!  It was so frustrating for the team - and the fans!
The score would have been close against this particular team, but with the picked rocks, it was not close anymore. 
Sadly, Team Howard wasn't able to seal a win and so they were out of the running.
For now.
There will be other events and opportunities to qualify for the Tankard.  And we play to be there when they compete in Melville!
As for our life going on, we will be going with Caylea to her 2 year oncologist check up with Dr. Iqbal.  We are so glad for her health and journey so far.  But we always feel a level of trepidation when we know a check up is near.  We pray that God has completely healed her and that this will be another "all clear"!
Then Wednesday we will drive up to Prince Albert to the NCEM headquarters.  Thursday we have a day-long Executive meeting.  I participate and take minutes for these meetings.  We also have a possible phone interview for folks interested in serving in First Nations ministry.  This gets us excited and motivates us to do the four hour drive and carry on with leadership!  "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few" so we continue to pray, recruit and trust God's leading as people apply to serve.
In the meantime, after the thrill of the curling event and the letdown of a loss, I have the joy of practical ministry.  You know, laundry, food preparation and emails!
God bless you all as the week unfolds!
Daniel and Russ Howard (on the right) deliberating a shot.  The score was tied at this point!  Daniel said, it dawned on him driving home that this weekend would be one he would remember for the rest of his life - curling with Russ Howard as skip and Daniel playing third.  A highlight and an honour.  It was fun to curl and have the on-ice/on-the-job coaching opportunity to learn and excel.  Daniel made some excellent shots throughout the event and felt good physically (after his shoulder surgery back in March, 2019).  He had very nice teammates and we thoroughly enjoyed the comradery with the team families watching along with us!

Sunday, 10 November 2019

Standing behind the glass, we were empowering our son to sweep the opponents' rock out of the rings...and he did it!
We get much too hyped about curling.  But what an awesome way to spend some family time.  Grandma, uncle, auntie, girlfriend...Daniel had quite a crew cheering him on at the Highland Curling Club.  If you count the support from other family and friends, some following the line scores online, it is wonderful thing for our son to be so well loved and encouraged in his passion for the sport of curling. 
Tomorrow, Daniel curls at 9 am in the playoffs for a possible berth in the Saskatchewan Tankard, which is in January, 2020 in Melville.  We aren't booking any trips or planning anything major because we are pretty confident he will make it to Melville with Team Howard.
Can't wait until tomorrow...more cheering and smelling the rink fries and biting our nails!

#curlingrocks  #teamhoward  #lovinglongweekend

Monday, 4 November 2019

     After two full days of interviews with our leaders and taking notes of those meetings, it was nice to jump into a 15-passenger van and drive out to Big River Bible Camp.  From the NCEM office just outside of Prince Albert, it takes about an hour and a half to get to the camp.  Usually the camp is alive with kids and staff running about.  In November, a skiff of snow and the year-round missionaries are all we saw as we drove onto the site.  The warm dining room and smell of fresh cinnamon buns welcomed our little band of leaders.  After we all greeted each other and grabbed a coffee and snack, we sat on the leather couches around the fireplace. 
     And then a friendly guy with a whiteboard and markers stood up to interrupt our relaxation!
     Jason Boucher, the assistant General Director, Walter's right hand man at NCEM, facilitated some brainstorming.  On the blank whiteboard, Jason wrote NCEM on one half and Walter on the other half.  Drawing a line down the middle, he asked for our input.  What do we want to focus on in the next twelve months?  What are the priorities for NCEM?  What do we want our General Director to be doing with all his extra time?
     At first, everyone was quiet.  We need more missionaries.  What about training them?  Develop our website and make online giving easier... Soon the ideas started rolling and Jason was having a hard time keeping up with copying the ideas down! 
    In the comfort of a cozy lodge set on a lake in northern Saskatchewan, it was inspiring to toss around ideas for the future.  The bare aspen trees set on a background of pale blue sky were framed by the large windows of the lodge.  I stared out as everyone contributed to the think tank, wondering what God has in store for us in the coming year.  How can we possibly add more to our plate?
     The white board was filled twice with all the suggestions.  Then Jason's wife, Anita, signalled that lunch was ready so we all stood to line up for a delicious hot meal.  I got caught up in the visiting and eating.  This is where Walter and I really shine: connecting with people.  A group of young adults from Lyons, France was also at Big River for a short term missions trip.  We intermingled with the group, whose English was definitely better than our French! 
     We had met them briefly earlier in the week and one young woman was inquiring about the possibility of an internship.  I gave her my email, thinking she may or may not get in touch once she is back to her homeland.  But at lunch out at the camp, she sat near me and found another teammate to interpret as her English is not as strong as some of the others in the group.  She asked me more about our ministry, and about ourselves.  I shared, through the translator who barely got to eat his lunch, about our 30 year history!  I shared some about NCEM and our recent leadership role.  I tried to find out more about "Elyse" and see what she is interested in as far as service and ministry.  It was an encouraging conversation.
     Then Jason called us all back to the couches. 
     The whiteboard was blank again.  This time, Jason handed out slips of paper and pens.  We were to take the lists of activities for NCEM and Walter, and write out the top four in order of our priorities.  Jason then organized the priorities according to our numbering system and found the group's collective top four. 
     The first top four list for NCEM's priorities was not really a surprise.  Some of the goals could easily be met with one or two staff involved.  But some of them would require more concerted effort, maybe with more staff to be recruited to fulfill the goals set for the next year.  But as we looked at the list, we felt a surge of faith as we knew it had to be by God's Spirit, not by our own strength or wisdom. 
     For Walter's list, Jason asked us to give our top two priorities.  What should Walter (and Cindy!) be focusing on for the next year?  I was both excited and nervous to see what the Lord had in mind through the team of leaders we had gathered.  We had to trust the Lord to lead through them.
     Soon, it became clear a pattern was forming.  The numbers showed that we needed to make some new connections in churches and Bible schools and other public venues.  I smiled.  These priorities were definitely leaning towards our strengths.  This didn't seem like work at all!
    But the discussion soon turned to time management.  And energy levels.  How could we add more without taking something out of the schedule?  Soon it became apparent Jason's role as assistant would kick in and he would have to take on some of Walter's responsibilities in the office.  Jason laughed as he thought this group exercise had backfired!  He made more work for himself!
     So as we drove away from Big River Bible Camp, we left with encouragement and hope for the year ahead.  God was instilling the vision of growth, of expansion, of broadening the reach of NCEM.  The team we have around us is supporting us and caring for our health and well-being.  May the Lord be glorifed and His kingdom come!

Sunday, 27 October 2019

I must say I do miss blogging.
I love to write and usually journal everyday.  I haven't been doing as much writing of any kind lately.  But I'm back!
Our lives have been full.
Travel.  Visiting all the NCEM missionaries, which took two years to connect with as many of the full time staff in their homes and communities of ministry as we were able.
Meetings.  Administrative necessities.  Conferences, both for staff and for our own networking and professional development.
Taking time to rest.  At home.  At our cabin.  In Florida. 
And then there are the mundane tasks.  Laundry.  Grocery shopping.  Maintenance repair. Taking out the garbage. 
But one of the exciting new things I have been trying is to volunteer on the Tribal Trails Spiritual Help Line.  The first day I had twenty callers, with a variety of needs and calling from Newfoundland to British Columbia!  It is amazing that the Tribal Trails television program reaches so many First Nations folks and non-Native, as well.  Connecting with people and praying for them is a refreshing ministry that reminds me why we do what we do.  People need the Lord.
Another new discovery in my life is YouVersion.  One of my friends and coworkers in ministry recommended this App for my phone.  I can access Bible reading plans, Bible studies and devotionals on  any subject or simply the Scriptures to read or listen to.  The Verse of the Day has often been God's way of encouraging me when I've really needed Him.  And it keeps me on track no matter where we are or if I only have a few minutes to focus on the Lord. 
Our next prayer letter will be coming out soon.  We have a few days of leadership and board meetings this week.  A trip to our NCEM US office in November. 
We have so many people standing behind us, supporting our ministry, praying for our needs and being friends to us just to listen to us vent.  When we held the 25th anniversary celebration for Healing Hearts Ministry in September, over 150 people came to join us and celebrate with us! I couldn't believe the folks who made the effort to show us that kind of support.  It was so humbling and made me realize we have been blessed beyond the sacrifices and hardships.  If nothing else
has been accomplished in 30 years of ministry, we have been given the gift of rich friendships in Christ.  And that is more than I would have hoped for...
I hope to keep up with blogging more faithfully in the next weeks.  Our lives are full and expressing what God is doing is good for my heart and maybe will bless others.
Have a good week, family and friends.

Sunday, 25 August 2019

"This has been one of the best conferences I've been at in years!"
"I loved having the Healing Hearts missionaries here with us."
"What a relaxing and fun conference!  It's been good to laugh together."
At the beginning of the week, I felt such nervousness and trepidation to have this Joint Conference.  So many details to remember and coordinate. So many people coming together from both our mission organizations.  Walter and I both wondered why we thought this was a good idea!
But once the first day was over and the event was rolling, we could get into the groove.  All the details I had worried about fell into place.  Everyone who were asked to help out did!  Each session got better and better.
This may seem shallow but the highlight to me was the Talent Show on the final night.
You know why?
Because it was two hours of folks from both NCEM and Healing Hearts who stepped forward to sing, share a joke, do a goofy skit or show a Powerpoint of nature and landscape scenes.  There was laughter, fun, joy and vulnerability.  To me it was the true testimony that we were having fellowship with each other.
Oh, don't think I didn't see the treasure of worship together.  Or value the prayer times in small groups.  I was ministered to by my husband's messages on Equip, Empower, Encourage and Establish - our 4 E's theme of vision for the ministry.  But seeing folks enjoying one another meant the foundation of faith and fellowship had been laid and now they were moving to the next level of intimacy in Christ.
To be honest, before the conference started, I was looking forward to it being over!  But Friday afternoon, as we pulled away, I felt a genuine sadness as I knew we wouldn't see some of these folks for a year.  All the work in planning and preparation had produced a wonderful gathering and God did meet us. 
The next such event will be in 2021 when we celebrate NCEM's 75th anniversary.  This was just a practice run for what will be even bigger!

Sunday, 4 August 2019

I can't believe I haven't written since April!
But God has been faithful as the busy spring turned into summer and we have not been idle.
We have continued to travel, but the last blog entry with our trip to Manitoba to visit NCEM missionaries marks the last of our staff visits. It took two years to see each missionary (that we were able to connect with) across Canada.  What a privilege! 
The biggest take-away from connecting with our staff face-to-face is that these are modern-day heroes of the faith.  They were so excited to show us their communities, to meet some of their First Nations friends and to worship with them if schedule worked out that way!  And their perseverance through trials, sometimes opposition to sharing the Gospel, gave Walter and myself inspiration that everything we face is also worth it to serve alongside these warriors of Christ!
In May, we met with other ministry leaders serving/directing  in First Nations mission fields across Canada and the U.S.  The fellowship, the discussions, the sharing and prayer and the worship through music were rich times that we treasure each year.  Again, these leaders face pressures, opposition and discouragement and yet press on!  We are blessed to have such friends and colleagues to share the burden of leadership with in Christ.
June was very busy for us...we had a week of interviews, reports and meetings with NCEM and a joint board meeting with Healing Hearts, as well.  God sustained us and continues to affirm our leadership role leading two organizations.  We need WISDOM and God has provided great support around us. 
Then we took a much-needed break out at our cabin.  Sigh!  It was glorious.  Hot temperatures, fresh saskatoon berries, demolishing our old deck and rebuilding bigger and better.  It was a wonderful two weeks of rest, relaxation, working on a project together and campfire, lots of staring into flames. 
Our next big event is the Joint General Conference in Pinawa, MB, where both our NCEM and HHM mission families will meet for fellowship and encouragement.  It is both exciting and exhausting to plan and prepare.  I'm sure God will meet with us in a special way and we desire to glorify Him!
Have a great day!

Monday, 8 April 2019

Now where are you headed?
This week we are off to Manitoba. 
Last winter we had travelled to destinations such as Puvirnituq, Quebec , Happy Valley/Goose Bay, Labrador and Ft. McPherson, NWT.  The flying adventures to extreme locations really stretched this Saskatchewan prairie girl's perspective!  Walter and I both felt so blessed to visit the missionaries who live in such remote places and serve Christ to share His Gospel.
So when I say Manitoba, no one gasps or asks, where?  But to us, this trip is as important and adventurous as any other we have gone on thus far in our NCEM and HHM travels.  Why? Because God has called the missionaries we will visit to just as challenging and interesting communities as any other.
John - has served in various locations within NCEM's regions.  He has been in maintenance of camps and headquarters facilities for over twenty-five years.  Now, he has some health challenges and is playing more of a support role to a local camp in his home area of Ashern, MB.  He is hardworking and faithful.
Fran - has served in her home area at the very Bible Camp she attended as a child.  She lives year round at Fisher Bay, a Metis/ non-status community.  She has filled many roles at the camp from cabin leader, cook, craft director to "Tuck Lady" (runs the canteen). In the off-season, she leads AWANA (kids Bible club) and is involved in the local church (Riverbend Community Church) that is located between two First Nations reserves, north of Winnipeg about two hours.  Fran has served for over thirty years.
Dennis & Amanda - have been married for forty years and been in ministry that entire time.  Dennis began ministry at The Pas, MB as a single man and brought a wife into the picture sometime after.  They have served in churchplanting and have a wonderful church called Riverside Bible Church.  They now have running water and flush toilet but only in the last fifteen years.  Wow! 
Ed & Karen - are originally from the United States and have been in Norway House, MB their entire missionary career.  They raised four kids in this northern Cree community.  Walter will be able to preach on Palm Sunday in the church they pastor.  They have served the Lord in this place for over thirty years, as well.
Peter & Charlene - have been married for ten years or so.  She is a Mennonite from southern MB and Peter is Cree from The Pas.  They met in The Pas and were involved in a Christian Gospel Band in music ministry for a season.  As they had been serving in Riverside Bible Church,  they felt called to Bible School.  After moving away for school, they returned to their home community and have been co-pastoring with Dennis and Amanda.  Holding down jobs right now, they eventually plan to go more full-time in ministry.  But for now, their jobs open doors into the community and into homes on the reserve that enable them to be well-connected.
Our prayer is that we will encourage these faithful servants.  We desire to listen well, to hear their hearts, to offer hope and support.  We want to tour their communities, sit at their kitchen tables, take them out for a meal and be part of their lives for an afternoon or a day or a weekend. 
THANK YOU for praying for us as we seek to serve the servants.  These folks are the lifeblood of NCEM and are on the frontlines of the battle for souls.  Each one matters to us, whether we fly in to their villages or drive only a few hours from our home in Regina.
See ya' in a week!

Thursday, 28 February 2019

     A lot has happened since I have taken time to sit down and type a blog.
     Walter and I, along with the Executive  members of NCEM, went to Phoenix for a 4-day series of workshops on leadership.  The couple who facilitated the workshops have been in First Nations ministry over 25 years and have excelled in personality profiles and team dynamics.  The four couples met and discussed 7 different topics, beginning with our DISC personality assessments. 
     Wow, are we all created uniquely!
     As we put up sticky notes on the diagram to identify our specific personality traits, we saw how well-rounded we are as a team.  Those with dominant and strong personalities balanced those with quiet and sensitive characteristics.
     Then we looked at team roles and found again, we had a wide variety of gifts.  I had scored strong in one area -  teambuilding - whereas others were stronger in initiative, completion or organization roles.  So I was dubbed the cheerleader! 
     Each evening, we spent time as a group debriefing the days' topics.  Many of us voiced how we had wondered why we were part of the team and felt levels of doubt as to our usefulness or purpose.  My husband and I had such a clear call that we don't doubt His purposes, but I know I wondered what I could contribute besides making coffee and taking minutes for meetings.  These times of learning and discussing really helped confirm to me that I am unique and can offer specific and necessary skills to the team!
     The last couple of workshops were geared for goal-setting and big picture vision-casting.  This is probably my weakest area and I felt overwhelmed. Our facilitator brought out a huge arrow, with many small spaces for writing in the steps to accomplishing our mission statement as an organization.  Walter was excited when he saw this and could hardly wait to tackle it!  With the time we had available, we began to scratch the surface of a much longer and more detailed journey for the future. 
    We stayed in a dormitory-style facility, with the use of a kitchen and lounge for preparing and eating our own breakfasts and lunches.  Then for our evening meals, we chose restaurants in the area.  One day we had Mexican food, another day a buffet at the Golden Corral.  The local folks recommended a great barbecue place close by, Dillon's.  And we all enjoyed the southern home-cooking restaurant called Cracker Barrel, with a country store to browse in and fresh biscuits and cornbread with every meal. 
     With the teaching times being indoors, we were disappointed not to be outside much more in the Arizona sunshine.  Fortunately, the weather was cool, cloudy and rainy for a couple days so we didn't miss much heat and sun.  On Friday of that week, our Executive team went to the Desert Botanical Gardens.  It was a beautiful day and we wandered the paths and admired the amazing cactus and succulent gardens, plus other displays all outdoors.  We enjoyed snacks in the outdoor cafe and fed the local ground squirrels and quail that scurried or waddled through the patio.  What a glorious day!
     Our hearts and minds were full and we definitely agreed we wanted to return to Phoenix next year.  More teaching, more fellowship, more fun times and yes, more sunshine in February!
Back row:  Robert Laird, Deanna and Dan Woodard, Walter, Anita and Jason Boucher, Huron Claus (director of CHIEF ministry in Phoenix)  Front row:  Doris Laird, me.

Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Tonight I am a proud parent.
As my husband and I sit watching Christian comedy on YouTube, Caylea and Daniel are at the Healing Hearts Youth night.  Caylea has been taking the lead for the youth ministry and its been neat to see her grow through this.  There were a couple of boys attending last year and not necessarily a regular guy to hang out with the guys.  So Caylea conscripted her brother, Daniel.  And he seems to be thriving in his role as "cool youth sponsor guy"!  Without trying too hard, the guys seem to be drawn to Daniel. 
But what makes me feel so thankful and a little proud is when I overhear their planning meetings, along with Daniel's girlfriend, Danae and our Healing Hearts intern, Carolyn (from Millar College of the Bible).  I hear them discussing fun activities and scheduling who is leading which Wednesday.
And then to hear them discussing their Bible study topics.  Going through the book of Genesis.  And to sometimes get the privilege of hearing their debriefs after a youth night, when they talk about who prayed out loud.  Or who had offered to pray for them as leaders!
I'm excited to see Caylea and Daniel, Danae and Carolyn bring their enthusiasm and love for God and impart it to the youth!
From a humble start in the fall with 4 church kids to sometimes up to 9 or 10 by Christmas, we are witnessing how God can use the up and coming young adults to minister the Gospel to the next generation.
Lord, bless them tonight as they clean the church and then study Scriptures and pray together.  May revival start with our youth!

Friday, 25 January 2019

At first, I felt like a double-agent. 
Healing Hearts or Northern Canada Evangelical Mission?
But lately, we are seeing our worlds overlap.  When we are in Prince Albert, some of our Healing Hearts Ministry team stops by the office.  And in a couple weeks, we have an NCEM couple spending the night in our home in Regina.  Our hearts want to bring the best of both worlds to bless the other!
The reality that our two different lives are becoming more unified was apparent last weekend.  We arrived at the Pambrun campus of Millar College of the Bible.  Caylea had the booth set up with both Healing Hearts Ministry and NCEM.  We brought some items to add to the display.  The fun part was we were set up beside the NAIM display (North America Indigenous Ministries - our former mission) and two tables away from Interact (another ministry focused on First Nations)!
We had lots of laughs and meaningful conversations with our fellow mission representatives.  But more importantly, we had lots of students coming by.  Caylea roomed in the dorm and her hosting student may be interested in an internship with Healing Hearts in Regina.  We also met a young lady who feels called to inner city work and wondered how to apply!  Another couple connected with us who would like to explore NCEM's options.  God is at work and He isn't worried about organizational divisions.  His Kingdom is ONE kingdom.
I love how the Lord brought our life to intersect with so many missionaries serving in Native ministry.  Next year, we are planning to work with NAIM and Interact for the Saturday night Marketplace at the missions conference.  Our joint project?  Indian Tacos!

Thursday, 10 January 2019

What did we do before texting?
I love the fact that the kids will text and I can anticipate their arrival.
Mark, Amy and Caylea were coming home from Manitoba for New Years.  They got in about 10 pm on December 30 and we had a lesser version of Christmas with more gift-opening.  Mark was happy with his two dress shirts and a 4K movie!  He said most of his other presents had been gift cards so he appreciated opening these ones!  Amy appreciated her devotional journal, Christmas socks and a Carcasonne game - to share with Mark, of course! 
We sat up and visited for a while, but everyone was pretty tired.  The next morning, we slept in and then Mark and Amy needed to make a trip to Walmart.  Then Mark helped me spice up the roast beef I was cooking in my "Instant Pot" for my traditional candlelight New Years' Eve supper. We played some games and then I finished up the preparations for Yorkshire pudding and veggies.
We ended up spending the evening at home, watching a movie.  Walter and I made it to 10:30 pm ad left the younger generation to bring in the New Year.  They watched the "Taylor Swift Concert" that was just released on Netflix.  We had nothing to prove and so went to bed!
Our plan for New Years Day was to drive the almost 2 hours to Kisbey and arrive at the Rec Centre for the "ringing of the bells" at noon.  We brought some crackers and cheese to share and about 15 of the townsfolk were there.  A smaller crowd than usual celebrated with a potluck lunch and one of the fellows walked across to the United Church to ring the church bell.  We all went outside in the cold sunshine, and posed for a picture while several brought cowbells or other bells for ringing!  It was a fun way to begin 2019.
Back at Mom and Clarence's home, the men watched the Junior hockey tournament on t.v. while us ladies played a game called 5Straight.  Quite the competitive match:  Caylea and Grandma Charlotte vs. Amy and Cindy.  Well, several rounds later, Amy and I conceded to the champs! 
Mark snooped around to watch; Grandpa Clarence took over Mom's hand at one point so we could begin supper preparations.  We had pork tenderloin, turnips and carrots and a tossed salad.  Mom made Grandma Cecile's creamy rice pudding, which involved Cindy stirring the mixture for 40 minutes to get it to the perfect thickness.  It was worth it!  We enjoyed a delicious meal and visit around the table.
Grandpa got in a storytelling mood.  He told us memories from being six years old, after his mother had died and his aunt came to care for him and his siblings.  He recalled taking a train to Winnipeg at the age of fourteen to sell cattle.  For being 98 years old, his memory is sharp as ever, and not just of days gone by.  If you ask him what he did yesterday, he will recall details of the weather, who was at the coffee shop and what they discussed.  He keep my mom on her toes!
Mark and Amy left early to meet friends back in Regina.  Caylea came home with us and we enjoyed a quiet ride back in the darkness. 
No mention of Daniel, you may notice.
Daniel travelled with his girlfriend's family to Ontario for a wedding.  Danae has relatives in the Sudbury area so Daniel experienced a two-day  marathon trip.  They travelled through the United States and both ways, the border officers gave Daniel some razzing over being the odd one out in the van!  The wedding was in the evening of December 31, with a short ceremony and a fun dance.  The 1920's theme included flapper dresses and feather boas, hats and three-piece suits!  Very classy!  Daniel mentioned the midnight lunch with meatballs and various cold cuts.  He didn't mention the salads, but Danae did!  She likes her vegetables.  We were glad when they arrived safely a couple days later as travel in January can come with weather and road risks. 
And that was our New Years celebrations.
Thanks for sharing it with me!

Tuesday, 8 January 2019

How can an event we look forward to for months be over in the blink of an eye?
     Christmas did begin on December 1 for us, with some early parties and events.  We had a week at home where Walter was laid up with a bad back, so I had him cornered to discuss Christmas gifts and then I went out and bought them all in virtually one shopping trip!  The rest we can thank Amazon Prime for excellent service!
     Then we had a funeral and some meetings in northern Saskatchewan, which brought us home just in time for quick preparations for hosting family on Christmas Day.  I conscripted help in the kitchen and Daniel proved to be handy at chopping, slicing, peeling and even rolling out Scuffle dough!  Caylea was busy in the garage with Walter, preparing scroll saw gifts for the exchange.  I must say, it was a simpler meal with less baking than normal, but everyone was full and satisfied!
     Christmas morning was very special as we gathered by the Christmas Tree and gas stove in our dining room.  Walter read the Christmas story in Luke Chapter 2.  Caylea even shared some special things she had learned about Jesus through reading Leviticus and Hebrews simultaneously.  Daniel led us in prayer.  We missed Mark and Amy that morning, but they were spending December 25 with the Teichrib Family this year.  (We enjoyed their company for New Years!) We opened our gifts with thanksgiving and focus on the Lord.  It was such a meaningful time.
     My mom and Clarence joined us for brunch around 11 am and opening of gifts.  We had quiche, apple kuchen, scuffles, fruit and coffee.  Yum!
     Then out came the game of Sequence.  My 98-year-old stepfather did not miss a beat as we six played several rounds of the card game.  It was really fun!
They left early afternoon, while it was still light outside.  They had turkey dinner plans at my aunt and uncle's farm and then still planned to drive another hour after that to their home in Kisbey, SK.
     The next round of family arrived but my turkey was finished early.  So we readied the table and cooked up the potatoes and vegetables for the big meal.  About 13 of us gathered in our dining room for a delicious meal.  I'm so thankful others brought items for the dinner and it wasn't too much work for us!  We ate our desserts and sipped coffee or tea before someone suggested we do our gift exchange game.  Dishes were quickly cleared away and leftovers stored, while the table was moved and chairs arranged in a semi-circle.  Good thing Walter had built our dining room addition as big as he did!
     After the exciting game of drawing numbers, stealing gifts and unwrapping unique and fun items. we cleaned up that mess and moved on to the next event.  CARDS!
     Hand and Foot is a Canasta game that was apparently invented in Saskatchewan.  We had enough players for a tournament - I can't remember who the winning team was but there was lots of laughter and complaining!  That's the main thing!
     The crowd went home about 10 pm.  Walter and I sat on the couch, sighing and feeling quite content. Boxing Day was just going to be watching movies, playing games and eating leftovers.  The main event was over.  God had been so good to us!