Tuesday, 18 December 2018

December sunsets are rich.  Today's was a splendid array of pink, purple and gold.  Northern Saskatchewan winters provide the harsh cold and grey skies that make the colours such a gift, a surprise to the senses.
Driving along the highway after dropping Caylea off in Saskatoon, I slowed my thoughts, breathing deeply.  The busy day filled with the activity of chapel, office tasks and a FaceTime interview left me feeling harried.  So much so that I forgot my purse and cell phone when we jumped into the car.  We made it to Saskatoon with just enough time to pick up McDonald's and fuel before arriving at the Rider Express depot.  The bus pulled out and I drove back to Prince Albert. 
Alone.  No radio.  Slowing life down.
And that's when I noticed the beautiful western horizon.  Shades of purple and magenta blended into the navy blue night sky. 
I set the cruise control and enjoyed the quiet. 
Lord, I am Your servant.  I am listening...
Nothing extraordinary.  Simply the peace of God's presence and giving Him thanks.
I wouldn't trade the busy.  God has purpose in it all.
But how sweet is the fellowship on a December evening!

Monday, 10 December 2018

The covered dish casseroles smelled wonderful as we entered the church hall.  Voices, laughter, tinkling Christmas music all wafted to add to the festive feeling I had.  With our dishes placed on the long serving table, we made our way to a table and joined some folks already seated. Our first holiday event of 2018!
A rousing game of "Name that Christmas Tune" and a team scramble of biblical prophecies and fulfillment of the Messiah proved to bring the competitive natures out in this group of NCEM missionaries!  When the formal part of the evening was over, we lingered with a few and played board games.  It was a lot of fun!  Spending time together without the responsibilities of ministry made me appreciate these faithful folks all the more.
A few days later, I was sitting at a round table with nine other ladies, basking in the candles and dimmed Christmas lights that created a relaxing ambiance.  My sister, her daughter, my daughter and I dashed over to the archway and bench and took pictures together.  Although our step-mom, Dinah was to come with us, she was in the hospital.  So we sent the pictures to her and let her know we missed her!  The theme of the evening was "Choosing Joy" and I know it could have been so meaningful for Dinah, who has been struggling for several months with kidney-related issues, in and out of hospital.  The speakers, two women who happen to be cousins, shared their experiences: one with cancer and the other, loss of a spouse at aged 30.  Their testimonies were of needing to make joy a choice in order to cope and to overcome the difficulties in their journeys.  Jesus is the true source of lasting joy and the evening brought that truth out in a meaningful way.
Two days following this lovely evening, Walter and I entered a downtown Regina restaurant for yet another holiday party.  Our team from Healing Hearts Ministries in Regina and area, gathered for a meal, cheesy Christmas jokes and the ever-popular gift exchange game!  With over twenty of us together, it was a fun and joyful time, even though each carries some burdens and recent personal losses.  I am thankful we are not alone, but can support one another.
Most mornings I try to spend time by the stove and Christmas tree, letting my heart soak in the spirit of the season.  More than that, the Spirit of the season, who is the Lord! 
"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom." 2 Corinthians 3:17
Let us take the opportunities to enjoy the Spirit of the Lord and reflect on the wonders of Jesus Christ, come as a baby, as Saviour, Lamb, Redeemer, King!

Saturday, 1 December 2018

Walter had his ultrasound Friday in Regina.  We are waiting for results.
He has a stress test booked for mid-January and then a follow up appointment will be made with a cardiologist. 
All his other pain and blood issues have stabilized and settled.
THANK YOU all for praying and for checking in with Walter and myself to see how it's going!

This weekend we are in Prince Albert, celebrating with the Headquarters staff at the annual Christmas party.  Got my ham in the oven in our little suite; a pot of red cabbage and bacon is cooling on the deck.  Gonna be a fun time!

Got our Christmas Prayer Letter in the mail last week...and now some handwritten cards to family and friends are my next project.  The season of Advent is upon us and I want to be setting my heart and mind on "The Reason" who is Jesus my Lord!

Have a great weekend!