Tuesday, 29 November 2016

With my car loaded with ladies and luggage, I drove out of the city to the beautiful Last Mountain Lake.  The four-lane highway turned to a secondary highway through Craven and wound its way to a gravel road.  We felt like we were driving to the middle of nowhere, and technically we did drive to the end of the road!  As we pulled into Strasbourg Bible Camp, Tammie and her mother-in-law Rose and my daughter, Caylea piled out of the car.  Several of the ladies from Healing Hearts Regina were already there and greeted us as we entered the main lodge.
Excitement was in the air as we registered and found our room assignments.  I threw my stuff onto a bottom bunk and went back to start the visiting!
The main meeting room had all the couches and chairs pulled into semi-circular rows in front of the fireplace, which had a small but warm fire already started.  A few more women arrived and we went ahead to have supper at 6 pm.  The service started around 7 and still not all the carloads had arrived  Texts and phone calls sorted out the directions; it is nearly impossible to find the camp at night as GPS and Google Maps just don't register it.  Eventually the latecomers arrived safely and some had a late supper and others just joined us for the evening service.
One of the latecomers was Joni, who was going to co-lead the music for the retreat.  She had to help Gina Marie's husband, Spurgeon who had been hunting in the Meadow Lake area.  His vehicle broke down and she had to bring him the rest of the way south.  It all worked out and Aimee was able to lead us in worship even though she was alone as a "worship team of one"!
Debbie Matthews was our speaker - she is a missionary in Nipawin with HHM.  The theme was on being "Re-Created" and Debbie did a wonderful job of setting the scene for God's intention for us as women and how God has sent His Son to re-create and redeem us.  Along with the teachings from Scripture, Debbie shared her story.  God definitely used her journey into healing in Jesus Christ to illustrate the hope for all of us.
The weekend was marked by sharing wonderful meals and making new friends.  But it also became apparent that the enemy was not pleased with our gathering.  By suppertime, Nancy who had been M.C. for the meetings, called us as leaders together to pray, especially for Debbie.  So we met in the laundry room, away from everyone else, and prayed to claim the camp and the retreat for Jesus!  Debbie was going to be addressing the topic of strongholds in our lives and no doubt the devil would try to target her.  That evening was a powerful time and we praise the Lord for the words Debbie was free to share.  Later, she told me 7 different women met with her over the weekend to pray through and talk through a lot of the principles she had shared.  She challenged us to forgive those who have harmed and hurt us  She also challenged us to repent of all immorality and be free from sin.  This was not a retreat of only fun and games but of getting serious with the Lord and seek His healing.
Don't get me wrong-there was laughter and games and walks and a movie night!
Sunday morning, Gina Marie led us in a special Advent candle-lighting time before breakfast.  With the only light being the Christmas tree and the candle on the Advent wreath, we stood around the candle to sing and listen to Scriptures on Hope.
The last morning went by quickly and was wrapped up by some final words of thanks and gifts being given to those who served us by leading.
I felt both joy and pride in the way our HHM women stepped up to organize and run the retreat.  At the same time I felt sad and kind of set aside from this particular ministry.  I used to help plan, organize and lead these and this time I was simply a participant.  The enemy was trying to use that as a weapon against me.  But the other side was I did support the endeavour with prayer and bringing ladies and engaging the new ones who joined us.
I know I was blessed and God taught me how to sit back and receive from my teammates.
Looking forward to how God will continue His healing work as a ripple effect of the weekend.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

What a week!
Mondays have traditionally been our day off, but with the rebuilding project, Mondays are now busy. Walter has a job site to manage, materials to order and administrative concerns at the same time  So we are fortunate to have had a quiet, restful weekend before the week hit!
I thought I would get back at the painting at our house and pick up some groceries, as we had company coming for supper and overnight.  I had made some assumptions of how my day would go and from 2 pm onwards, I had some major readjustments to make!
Without boring you with all the details, I stopped painting midstream in order to accompany Caylea to her appointment at the cancer clinic.  She wanted me to come last minute and I am glad I did.  I learned along with her how to give the Interferon injections.  That part went very well.  Took longer than planned so Walter had to clean up my paint mess and welcome our guests before I got home.
But within a couple hours, Caylea had a bad reaction to the drug.  We hadn't known what the procedure would be at the clinic, so she didn't take any Tylenol prior to the injection.  And she hadn't hydrated sufficiently-usually they give IV fluids and that wasn't the case.  With company at our supper table, suddenly Caylea turned quite pale, chilled and went up to bed!  We didn't think too much of it until Walter checked on her and she was curled up and crying!  She had cramps in her legs and ankles, was aching and feeling so ill.  It was horrible to watch!
Walter took over to massage her and give her fluids.  He texted our medical friends and got advice.  Daniel and I filled in for the curling team-too late to cancel,we thought.  And our company adjusted with us and helped out tremendously!
We got to the curling club and our opposition called ten minutes before game time to cancel.  I was soooo frustrated.  We all decided to stay and throw a few rocks.  Then we ordered the snack platter and hung out.  My niece was there to curl and so we wanted her to have a good experience and get in some practice.  It all worked out.
In the meantime, Walter got Caylea feeling better and praise the Lord, she got through it!
The next day was a break from the Interferon so Caylea was able to recover and drink lots of water.  She planned a strategy for Wednesday (today) to prepare herself for the injection.  And that went well, by the way.  She still had some side effects but milder and manageable.  She was able to lead the Bible study at youth group and came back feeling better physically and encouraged about the way the study worked out!
To add to my busy schedule, our 2017 Healing Hearts calendars arrived and we set to work to print off a Christmas letter and begin to stuff envelopes for our big mail-out.  Fortunately, I had been painting to my favourite Christmas CD's in the morning, so I had some festive cheer going on to set the mood!
Wow!  It is only Wednesday night and I feel like it must be at least Friday.
But as I write, I am reminded that it is American Thanksgiving tomorrow.  I had read an online devotional on choosing thankfulness even when emotions don't feel it.  Psalm 100 was the Scripture text.  There are so many things God has done for us, grace He has given through hard days, people who have encouraged us and prayed for us.  Even tonight as I prayed for Caylea to be able to lead the devotional study at youth group, I praised and thanked God for how He did give her health and strength and success!
Tomorrow is a new day and the mail-out may or may not get finished and my painting will likely have to wait...sigh!  But its not about what gets accomplished; its about my attitude in the midst of interruptions, unexpected events and health crises.
"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise."  Psalm 100:3

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Yep, today was a "normal" Sunday...
Walter and I arrived at Healing Hearts in time to visit with a few people before Spurgeon called us to find a seat.  I grabbed a coffee and sat between my husband and my son, Mark and daughter-in-law, Amy.  (Daniel had been curling in a bonspiel in Moose Jaw all weekend and Caylea was up in Nipawin for an alumni event.)
Spurgeon prompted us with our usual "Praise the Lord!" and the congregation, a little sparse today, responded with the loud echo "Praise the Lord!"  Then he opened our service with thoughts on Facebook posts.  Can we believe them all?  Are all "news sites" legitimate?  His challenge to us was that the Internet is a prime place to prove the Scripture of Paul's letter to Timothy that people will no longer endure sound doctrine but only listen to what their "itching ears" want to hear.  We ought to be a people who discern truth and not buy into everything we hear.  God's Word is our unfailing guide.
Then Gina Marie and her team led us in musical worship...with a song written by one of our own Healing Hearts songwriters.  It always feels like home when I sing with our own church family.  I even had tears as I lifted my voice and hands to the Lord!
Bob invited Vivian to the front and explained how she had taken some training to become a hospital visitation/chaplain and felt called to this ministry.  We as HHM pastoral leaders came up and surrounded her as Walter led us in prayer to commission Vivian into this area where she already has functioned but now is going to do more intentionally for Jesus.
Bob gave the announcements.  (One of our interns last year commented how this was his favourite part of our services-you never know what will get announced or how we all interact to correct or change upcoming events! Always exciting!)
Then the kids were prayed for and marched around the sanctuary once before heading to their Sunday School rooms.  Bob had to play the "Marching in the Light of God"song on Kelly's electric guitar-a unique version of the song!
Spurgeon pulled up a stool and grabbed a microphone to lead us in the sharing time.  This is the heart of our Sunday morning time together.  Several shared prayers needs, answers to prayer, and how God was working in their lives.  One guy who hasn't been to church in months gave us an update on how his family was doing and asked for prayer as he struggles as a single dad whose "ex" doesn't encourage the same priorities in raising their kids.
We had a visiting couple and their new baby girl welcomed.  The wife had been part of our Millar College teams a few years ago and returned just to connect with HHM.  It was so encouraging to have someone we had invested in and who served us come back because of "relationship".  That's what we believe it's all about!
After Spurgeon prayed and gave thanks for the various things shared, Bob came up to the front to preach from I John.  It was a sermon on "If" and "Then" statements.  If we do certain things, God does certain things.  If we sin, then we have consequences.  If we walk in darkness, then we don't have the light of God.  If we say we don't sin, then we lie.  If we confess our sins, then God will forgive us our sins.  Oh, how we need our Saviour's mercy!
As Bob closed in prayer, a few women gathered at the front to arrange the transportation for the upcoming ladies' retreat planned for the next weekend.  People chatted, admired the little babies and it was so good to fellowship.
Walter and I left about 1:30 or later...and I was already planning the lunch I was going to prepare for our family.  It's been nice to have Mark & Amy around just to have over for Sunday dinner.
Mark was excited when he walked in to smell and see "breakfast for lunch".  Bacon sizzling, hashbrowns browning, pancakes bubbling.
It was a relaxing afternoon of visiting, with NFL football on TV as Daniel had control of the remote, The quiet afternoon ended for us as we peeled ourselves from our recliners to head over to the ministry centre for staff meeting.  Although we love it and want to build team, it can be an effort to meet on Sunday nights.  Just can't find any other time slot in the week that suits the majority.
But it was a worthwhile time to discuss upcoming Christmas events and activities, to connect about the week ahead and to share and pray for each other and for the ministry.  Walter gave an update on the building project and the plans for the coming days. What struck me tonight was the transparency we can have with each other.  And the passion our team has for their ministries and for the church body.
Lord, hear our prayers!  Humble us and keep us in Your care.  We need You!  We want to be a strong team in Your Name. Protect us from harm, division, distraction, spiritual attack.  Thank You for all You have done.  We are blessed!  To You be all the glory!
We were home by 7:30 as Mark & Amy were just heading back to their humble abode.  Caylea had arrived from Nipawin. Daniel was making popcorn and had switched to his Green Bay Packers jersey.  As Walter & I warmed up some leftovers for a late supper, it just feels good to be home.
And that is a "normal" Sunday for the Selkes!

Friday, 18 November 2016

This week  begins a season of fundraising banquets!
Between Thanksgiving and Christmas, many organizations are holding events.  Healing Hearts will sometimes host a table and so we try to have some of our staff at these events to show support.
Monday was a steak dinner for Maybell Developments.  We met four of our coworkers at the venue right at the opening of the event.  We all had other commitments to follow the dinner so we ordered our steaks right away and visited together.  The couple starting up Maybell Developments wants to facilitate affordable housing for those in north central Regina who are trying to better themselves and live with dignity.  So we want to stand behind them and encourage their endeavours.  We bid on some silent auction items, had a good meal and enjoyed some terrific entertainment, "Jackie and Jason" who played guitar and fiddle.  They did an absolutely stellar version of "The Orange Blossom Special" that had us open-mouthed and staring at the entertainers!
Thursday night, we enjoyed a roast beef dinner put on by Charlotte's Catering to support City Kidz.  Our friend, Donna, is director and overall amazing woman running this outreach to kids in the inner city.  With 125 attending each Saturday at the "Playhouse Theatre", and 40+ on a waiting list because they just don't have the volunteers to manage any more children, this ministry is near and dear to our hearts.  Many of the kids come out to our "Inner City Camp" out at Strasbourg in the summer, so our realms of impact cross over in the "hood".
Caylea brought her young "mentee", Kezzi, to the banquet and they seemed to enjoy the grown up atmosphere with a few of us Healing Hearts leadership. Caylea opened a bottle of sparkling peach juice, and we all ducked as she popped the cork.  No one lost an eye in the process! Unfortunately, the entertainment that evening had a family medical emergency so poor Donna was under a little stress.  But a man from Kenya filled in singing a couple songs in his native language just a capella.  Powerful!  (This man will be running for the presidential election in Kenya next year, so he must be a man of influence, yet humbly filled in at the last minute to be a blessing).
Walter did the bidding at this event.  There were a few Roughrider items and oil change/wheel alignment gift certificates he was interested in.  I had done the bidding Monday and ended up with a couple items we were sure would have been outbid because we left early!  Alas, Walter didn't get his auction dreams but I won us an infrared turkey fryer!  Whoo hoo!
Coming up in two weeks, we will be attending the Strasbourg Bible Camp banquet and will be eagerly awaiting the silent auction excitement there.  Walter and Gwen Lydiate usually get into bidding wars and we have a blast with the competition!
So we will pace ourselves with these banquets...and pray God will bless these charities as they offer help to those in need.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

What have I been doing these past days?
Around our house, if there isn't anything happening, we usually start a project.
So, while we waited for the paperwork to go through for the rebuild of the woodshop at our ministry centre, Walter got our house "mudded" to repair some dings and improve the plastering we had done in our dining room addition.  It took a week to get everything done.  The dining room was in the living room during that time!
Then the okay arrived and Walter and our "mud expert", Jacob, were gone.
I was left with the task of painting.  Fortunately, Caylea was able to help me and proved to be very skilled at "cutting in".  Amy had helped me pick out the paint colours and did some prep work to clean the bay window frame.
The finished product looks amazing!  I had always wanted a yellow kitchen and now I have it!  
But there were a few other areas that needed touching up,  so the front entry is now a khaki colour and this leads into the living room, which is the next room to be painted.  The kichen itself will be done in the yellow in due time.  But only one area at a time, as stuff needs to be moved out of one room, while it is being painted!
In the meantime, progress is now being made at the woodshop job site!  Jacob and Mark are Walter's right and left hands for the project.  And the weather has mostly held considering it is mid-November. The concrete is poured for the piles; the post and beam construction is underway. Trusses are ordered.  And one more project is being done:  mudding and painting in the ministry centre!  The construction boys were working on that before the go-ahead on the woodshop.  So now Amy is working away at the painting inside.
I think Walter is happiest when one or more projects are on the go.
The rest of us keep our running shoes on to keep up!
Yes, the finished products will be very satisfying.  While we are in the midst of the labour, it can be a little overwhelming.  The beauty of it all is that my work has no real deadlines, just my own desire to have the rooms back in order.
Some other things I have been able to do:  visit a co-worker, bake muffins, curl and go to Curves.
And I am so thankful we are healthy, free and blessed to set goals and accomplish them!
God is in the midst of our work.  And it is good to serve Him.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Friday marked Caylea's final Interferon treatment at the cancer clinic!
After the last of the fluids were finished, the nurse got permission to remove Caylea's PICC line, which she had since early September.  My sister, Paula, went with Caylea for her last day and so took a video on Caylea's phone of the PICC being removed.  You can view it on Caylea's Facebook page if you so desire!
Then the nurses gathered around and handed Caylea a bell to ring, signifying her last treatment.  She gave it a good shake and apparently a piece fell off!  They all clapped and cheered and wished her well as she left the Allan Blair Centre.
Two special gifts arrived in the mail Friday, as well.
A compassionate woman from Ontario sent us matching bracelets to bless us!  Svarkowski Crystal?  Caylea was blown away by the lavish gift!
And a friend from Calgary, a cancer survivor herself, handmade a lap quilt in a matching bag.  It was like Christmas with all the parcels and lovely gifts!
To celebrate, Caylea invited Grandma Dinah and Mark & Amy for Chinese food supper.  No family occasion is complete without playing cards, so we played Golf.  Then Daniel had to leave for his curling game, so we played Dice after that.  Lots of laughter and fun.
It'll be different to wake up Monday morning and NOT have to plan our day around the treatment schedule.  For the next two weeks Caylea is able to rest and recover.  Then she will begin the self-injections of Interferon on November 21 and do that 3 times a week for the next 11 months.  That won't be nearly as life-invading.
This coming Tuesday, Caylea is representing Nipawin Bible College at a career fair here in Regina.  We are so excited and pleased that Caylea will now be able to pursue these and other opportunities without her physical side effects and fatigue dictating her activities.  She can curl a whole game, get a job (maybe part-time at first) and volunteer in some ministries...the possibilities are endless!
God is to be praised!  He has been my refuge, my strength, my comfort and so much more!  When this part of the journey seemed to be fraught with delays, glitches and adjustments, the Lord was superintending every day, every decision, every step of the way.
Psalm 66:5,16
"Come and see what God has done; He is awesome in His deeds toward the children of man...
Come and hear, all you who fear God, and I will tell what He has done for my soul."
The journey isn't over.  Caylea still has some physiotherapy to help restore and prevent swelling in her right arm (lymphedema).  She will be on the Interferon for 11 more months.  She has a permanent scar where the mole and now skin graft is on her arm.
But the faithfulness of our God will never fail.  He will grace upon grace to see us all through this coming year...
Psalm 66:1
"Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of His name;
 Give to Him glorious praise!"

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

I had a wonderful 50th Birthday celebration on Halloween.
My husband brought me coffee and breakfast in bed.
My daughter was able to have her treatments this week and drove herself.
My son Daniel brought flowers home for me after work.
Mark & Amy made it back from Manitoba in time for supper.
My mom baked me a coconut/orange chiffon birthday cake.  And my step-dad came up as well (after driving to Virden, MB for a chiropractor appointment in the morning...96 years old!)
My sister and niece joined us for supper and cake.
Everyone got me lovely gifts and made me feel very special...even the old  jokes werent too bad!
I had a few minutes alone to read my Bible and be thankful for such a special day.  This year, the Lord brought my attention to a verse in Ephesians that will be my theme for the next 12 months.
I therefore, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called...
I had been reading a devotional book by John McArthur that focused on this verse for five or six readings, each day bringing out new truths of this many-faceted yet brief Scripture.  And for the day I was to read next, the emphasis was on being called.  I have been called, drawn, set apart for Gods special attention.  As John 15:16a states, You did not choose me, but I chose you.
For various reasons, I have battled with self-esteem and doubted my value.  But with each year that I grow as a woman who has been bought with a price by Jesus Christ, I am learning to love myself, value myself, believe Gods Word that I am beloved.  He chose me!  I may think I chose to follow Jesus and accept the Gospel in my life.  But truly, He was drawing me, He was capturing my heart, He was laying down the foundation of my life and His truth so that I could come into a relationship with Him.  He chose me, and did not reject me!
I have been called.  And now I am being urged to walk in a manner worthy of that calling.  In the days ahead as I live out my Jubilee Year (old Testament teaching that any slaves are to be released in that year, all debts cancelled and a fresh start in freedom to be had by the nation of Israel), I want to live more in the freedom I have as a Christian.  Free to worship, free to develop my gifts, free to love others and free to forgive as Christ forgave me!
With all the love lavished on me, and my deepest longing just to have all my kids and my husband together, I feel very spoiled.  As it turned out, our family curling team was able to curl also that evening at the Tartan Curling Club, so it was a very special and memorable day for me!
What an amazing start to 50 years of my life!  God is so very good!